Spraying is complex and dynamic; it integrates science, engineering and skill in the art. The multi-disciplinary understanding of interactions of fluids, target geometries and surfaces, aerodynamics, nozzles, droplets, sensing elements and control systems is critical for success. Achieving physical efficiency, biological efficacy and the reduction of personnel and environmental hazards requires both experience and knowledge of the state of the art and new technologies. Combining four decades of experience with knowledge and creativity, Ken Giles solves common and unique spraying problems in agriculture, industry, consumer products and manufacturing.
Litigation Support & Expert Witness
Analysis of all aspects of spray applications, including chemical trespass, agricultural pesticide drift, paint overspray, worker and other personnel exposure, standards of care, professional practices and intellectual property.
Analysis of emissions of liquids and dust from processes and agricultural machinery and operations, including harvesting.
Experienced expert witness with reports, depositions and trial testimony in state, Federal and international courts.
Research & Development
Development of practical and novel solutions to spray application problems and integration of new technologies into spray processes for industrial, agricultural, consumer product and other spraying and fluid handling applications.
Experienced with electrostatic spraying, active flow and spray control, precision applications and spray applications from conventional and drone aircraft.
Experience ranging from small ag-tech start-ups to Fortune 500 companies in multiple industries.
Experienced with intellectual property creation, protection and analysis.
Training & Education
On site and remote training in industrial and agricultural spraying. Fundamentals of liquid handling systems, principles and state of the art of atomization and spraying, diagnostics, and operator training.
Training ranges from graduate engineering level to the practical operation of field equipment and process control.
Licensed pesticide applicator and licensed commercial agricultural pilot for manned and unmanned aircraft.
University of California, Davis: Professor Emeritus
Teaching courses on agricultural spraying and research and engineering ethics, including intellectual property and publication techniques and strategies. Research on use of remotely piloted aircraft (“drones”) for spraying and chemical delivery.
University of California, Davis: Professor
Teaching courses on engineering design and development, including capstone design course sequence. Teaching agricultural spraying and research and engineering ethics, including intellectual property and publication techniques and strategies. Research on atomization and spraying, including agricultural chemical application, industrial spraying and coating. Research on use of remotely-piloted aircraft for chemical application. Research on dust and emissions reduction from agricultural harvesting equipment, including nut production. Outreach and instruction in field crop, orchard, vineyard pesticide application, best practices and principles of spray system design and operation for industry.
Holds over twenty United States, Canadian, Australian and International patents on spraying, sensing and control systems. Multiple patents licensed and in commercial production. Proposed and managed ten successful Phase I and Phase II SBIR projects.
US Department of Agriculture: Panel Manager, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)
Managed formation of proposal review panels, review process and rating of Phase I and Phase II SBIR research and development proposals from small businesses.
Editorships: Technical Journals
Served as reviewer, Associate Editor and Divisional Editor for Transactions of ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture
Served on Editorial Board for Atomization & Sprays
Fellow, American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers
Fellow, National Academy of Inventors
Alumni of Distinction Award, University of Georgia Graduate School
McCormick-Case Gold Medal for Exceptional and Meritorious Engineering Achievement, American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers
Engineering Concept of the Year, American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers